Fostering saves lives and is one of the
most rewarding experiences imaginable
What does fostering a dog involve?
When you foster, you agree to take a homeless dog into your home and give him or her love, care and attention, either for a predetermined period of time or until the dog is adopted.
Why should I foster a dog?
Being in a foster home can be a lifesaving bridge for a stray or frightened pet. It gives the animal a chance to get used to life in a house, and an opportunity to learn that people can be kind, food is available, and there is a warm, secure place to sleep.
By taking an animal in need temporarily into your home you’re:
- freeing up a spot so the shelter or rescue can take in another dog.
- giving your foster dog the time he needs to be ready for adoption.
- helping the shelter or rescue learn more about the dog so he can end up in the best home possible.
- socializing the dog to a home environment and possibly getting him used to being around other pets and different types of people.
What does a foster parent do?
A foster parent does everything a pet owner does, but for a shorter time! Daily care, feeding, grooming, reinforcing obedience, and generally giving the pet love and affection, along with a safe place to stay. Foster parents are important for so many reasons. It is foster parents who work with their rescue and sometimes trainers to get their pet ready for adoption. It is foster parents who learn what a pet is like in a home situation, their likes and dislikes, and their little quirks – things that are impossible to tell in a shelter situation. These things are crucial to helping a pet go into their forever home… knowing the pet and being able to communicate that to potential adopters is essential.
I’m ready! Take me to the
Foster Care Application!
ARF-LA’s Commitment to You & Your Foster Dog
- We provide routine and emergency medical care at one of our fantastic partner vets...at no cost to you.
- We provide donated dog food.
- We provide essential supplies, including collars, leashes, crates.
- We let the world know that your ARFan Dog is looking for a permanent home by posting him or her on multiple websites. And exposure to potential adopters through online marketing such as Facebook.
- We hold adoption events every weekend – which you are encouraged to bring your foster to for viewing and meeting prospective adopters - a great way to find loving homes for your foster dogs.
- Our networks of volunteers are here to answer questions, screen potential adopters, help transport your dog when you are unable, and do anything we can to make fostering a great experience!
- We have also partnered with local trainers/behaviorists who can help you work through any issues (no matter how big or small) you may have with your ARFan foster pup.
Your Commitment to Your ARFan Foster Dog
- You provide daily care for your ARFan Dog foster.
- You provide unconditional love and affection.
- You bring your foster to at least one adoption event a month.
- You help your adoption coordinator (AC) by providing up-to-date information and photos of your foster dog. And, if you'd like, you can participate in screening potential adopters and marketing your foster dog for adoption.
- And, most importantly, you let us know if you need help!Hundreds of dogs who are too young, too sick to be adopted or just scared and shy and needs socialization arrive at ARF-LA. Temporary foster care gives them a chance at life, something the shelter cannot offer.
To get started fostering
Just fill out this form and you will be contacted shortly by an ARF-LA representative. We can help you find a dog that suits your needs, abilities, and lifestyle. There are always dogs at the kennels that need foster care.
I’m ready! Take me to the
online Foster Care Application!